Laurent METRAL
President of Audencia

Christophe GERMAIN
Dean of Audencia


Audencia continues to affirm its international dimension. Through excellence in teaching but also the audacity that it demonstrates on a day to day basis, the School encourages its students to bring together diverse areas of expertise, without sacrificing those qualities that make up its very nature: respect, kindness and the Corporate Social Responsibility approach that it adopts at all levels and in all it does.


For Audencia, Corporate Social Responsibility is a true mission, a reality, a part of daily life. In the eyes of the School, this social and environmental commitment is the embodiment of a true strategy for innovation and economic performance. Audencia applies it at every level so that it becomes part of the teaching programmes, of campus life and of our partnerships.


In 2019, the Audencia Foundation continues to support the School’s research, teaching and social and cultural inclusion initiatives. In particular, it contributes to the development of key indicators: CSR, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. There has been a significant increase in the number of scholarships in line with the School’s priorities: internationalisation and hybridisation. In 2020, we will be celebrating the Foundation’s 10th anniversary!

Audencia is celebrating its 120th anniversary

2020 marks Audencia’s 120th anniversary! 120 years of audacity and excellence! On this occasion, 120 events will punctuate the year from January to October with a special three days of celebrations from 8 to 10 October. To follow us during this year of festivities, please visit the dedicated website.